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Home  /  Arriving/Leaving  /  Vehicles  /  DE-REGISTERING A VEHICLE


All SHAPE members are required to de-register their vehicle(s) and/or motorcycle(s) upon permanent transfer and/or departure from SHAPE or when selling a vehicle (whether it is sold in Belgium, in the EU or outside the EU).

1. Book appointment with the VAT office, bring the Registration Documents for the vehicle and request the form 'De-registration Document'. 

2. Book appointment with the Customs Office, bring the Registration Documents for the vehicle in question, the form 'De-registration Document' if delivered by the VAT office, and you will request the customs clearance of the vehicle for export.

3. Book an appointment through the BOOK APPOINTMENT button below to deregister vehicle, and:  

  • Bring De-registration Document and  the vehicle's back plate..  In case of export, the plates can stay with the vehicle until the vehicle is registered in new location.  You MUST return the BACK plate either via your support unit or by post to the following address (Vehicle Reg Office - FSCEP, Rm 108, Bldg. 210 SHAPE Mons, 7010 - Belgium) within 30-60 days from the arrival at your new destination.
  • In case the back plate is returned after your leaving/out-processing date, as described here above, the De-registration document is not needed.

NOTE: If vehicle has been sold, back plate must be returned immediately, accompanied by Bill of Sale and De-registration Document. 


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7010 Mons

Base Support Group

Attn: Office of Communication & Community Affairs
B-7010 SHAPE